Teen & Young Adult Therapy

Something’s off…

You can’t put your finger on it, but you worry about your teenager. Is he happy?

Does she have any friends? She spends countless hours isolated in her room.

Usually your teen bounces back from things pretty easily, but lately it’s taking them longer and longer to emerge from their funk.

All of a sudden life hits them in the face.

From teen to young adult, you’ve buried your head in the clouds for years, focusing on finishing high school, working, and figuring out your social life.

Then, you look up and the whole world is there, staring down at you.

Doubt begins to set in.

Uncertainty of which way to go clouds your mind. Fear of the unknown creeps around the corners of your brain.

Putting one foot in front of the other, a young person heads out to conquer the world.

But without a strong foundation of confidence and self-esteem, every path seems to lead to another dead end.

I know what it’s like to be at that stage of life.

Transitioning decisions need to be made. That age range of 16-24 is the stage I call launching.

Teens are preparing to launch into pre-adulthood, and young adults launch into adulthood.

This can be a trying time for everyone involved.

But it can be smoother and a lot less emotionally intense.

Sometimes as a parent it’s hard to understand and see your teen for all that they are and what they are capable of.

The worry and fear that comes from normal parenting angst tends to find itself taking over, and you are blinded by the terrors of the world – the same terror that you are about to release your child into. Imagine seeing them with built up confidence and a strong ability to manage their emotions in effective ways as they move forward!

Facing the World with All the Right Tools

Yes, they are going through some things, and they are trying to handle it all on their own because they believe they can.

I can help them unravel the emotions that seem to have them withdrawn and indifferent.

Together, we can get to the bottom of what’s really going on and begin to help them understand and navigate it without jeopardizing who they are. They will feel confident.

Capable. Together. Ready.

You’re doing your part and have instilled values in them. I would love to be their guide on a journey of gaining the emotional strength and confidence to tap into those very same values.

I can put you at ease by helping you emotionally prepare your teen to launch into adulthood.

I am a parent myself, and I have worked with teens intensely throughout my career. I am confident that I can help make that important difference in their lives.

It’s something they need to do! Let me be there to help them figure it out.

A Message to the Young Adults

What if I told you that you are experiencing exactly what you are supposed to? You are not ‘losing it.”

I see you. I get it. Together, we can work through these feelings that probably have always been there. You’ve done a good job masking them, but it’s not working anymore.

Together, we’ll explore your inner critic – the one that keeps making you doubt yourself – and we’ll develop a plan to manage it.

Let me help you find answers to the questions that keep you up at night.

You’ve got this!

Why not go at it with more confidence, increased self-worth, and feeling good about your choices.

Don’t hesitate!

Call now (626) 625-5234 for your free 15-minute consultation.