Single Girl Problems

It’s Friday night at 5:00 PM, and you’re on your way home to get ready.

While sitting in traffic, your mind starts going.

The excitement of the weekend is calling to you.

Running through the front door, you head into the kitchen, pour some wine, and grab some light appetizers to snack on. You lay it all out nicely on the front table.

You check the clock and make sure everything is in place.

You take a once-over of yourself and make sure you’re nice and comfy!

Wearing your favorite PJs, you pick up the remote, put on Netflix, and find a romantic comedy to watch.

You sit down all snuggled in a blanket, your pet by your side and phone in hand.

Let the swiping begin…

The truth is, you’re sick of spending these nights alone.

And the online scene is a total wasteland.

One more creep, another ghosting, endless scrolling – there has to be more.

Another girls’ night out just to get you out of the house –

But instead of feeling supported, you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to all your friends.

They’re all engaged or married, or even having babies. When will it be your turn?

You deserve happiness and companionship, too!

Yes!!! You do!!!

Join our “Single Girl Problems” Group at Emerge…

This group will give you a platform to join other single ladies to discuss and strategize how to reconnect with yourself and find true meaning in this world’s dating crisis.

“Single Girl Problems” is a 10-week group that meets weekly on Saturdays 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Call (626) 625-5234 today to get connected to our community. The next cycle will be announced soon.

Discussion topics include:

  • Clearing your own limitations when it comes to dating
  • Healing from your past negative relationship patterns
  • Releasing underlying self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Reconnecting with self… building a self-love relationship
  • Let’s talk about sex
  • And more…